Wednesday, February 25, 2009


My mind has been running a marathon the last few days and it has left me physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted. I have been struggling, not with my decision to leave, but for Joshua. I just pray for him every single day. I want to make sure he knows how much I love him. I want him to know that in every decision I make, he is always at the front of my mind. I want to give him the best life that I possibly can and want him to grow up in a home that is happy and filled with love. I know that God is strong and he works miracles everyday. God has already given me such peace about our situation. Joshua has been adjusting beautifully. I know that in my heart, I have made the best choice for Joshua's future and mine, I have to remember to cling to God's unconditional love, just give it all to Him and in that find my rest.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Sand, Sand, Sand

My title for this blog, comes from the enormous amounts of sand that now reside on my patio. Joshua decided that the sand would look better on the ground and in his wagon rather than in the sandbox. Yesterday was a beautiful day outside, I got off a little early and so Joshua and I soaked up the sunshine. We had fun and he insisted on some riding around in the wagon.
We are making our way into the terrific twos, this is now my motto for the twos, to keep me from settling on the terrible twos. However, he is a feisty little booger when he doesn't get his way. For instance, he had some Cars fruit snacks and Mr. Joshua didn't think one package was enough, of course, I did, so we battled it out for what seemed like eternity, it was really probably only five minutes, but Momma won in the end and Joshua settled on coloring instead. He has finally moved into his toddler bed and he loves it! He is so excited to be able to get out of bed on his own. He never tried to get out of the crib, but I decided he was ready. It was kind of bittersweet, he really isn't a baby anymore. He is so into music, which should come naturally for him. I wonder what it was like for him in the womb, he had an almost constant lull of music from me whenever I could. He is singing Row, Row, Row Your Boat, I've the Joy, Joy, Twinkle, Twinkle and many others, sometimes it's just a few words others it seems like he follows right along. I love bedtime, we've been singing together, it's so wonderful. Just recently, he has been asking me to dance, dance. Oh the sweet joys of Motherhood.

This last month has been a great challenge. Joshua and I are living in our own place and I have been so worried about how he would adjust, but he is doing wonderful. I thank God so much for that. God has been holding my hands and walking me through this. I thank my sweet family and my friends for their constant support and encouragment through this rough time.

Friday, February 13, 2009

End of another week

Well, Friday is here and thank goodness. It has been a long week for me. I have been fighting Bronchitis this week and I am finally starting to shake it off. I really feel that I need some kind of super vitamin, because I always tend to get what's going around.

Joshua's allergies seem to be improving. He is becoming less congested. He is so amazing! That little boy has so much life in him, he makes me smile everyday. We have been staying with my parents this week, due the remodel in my bathroom, and Joshua found Polar Express tucked away near their TV, so I have been going through Christmas all over again! How can you say no, when he looks at you and says "Spress, Spress, Yeahhh." It can't hurt to watch a Christmas movie in February.

God has been working wonders in my life lately. He is making me a stronger women and a better mother. I am thankful for his uncondtional love and feel blessed to be living this life.

Friday, February 6, 2009


Since so many people out there are blogging away, I thought I would join along, plus it is great for my family and friends that are far away.

Joshua is doing so wonderful. He is going to be "2" next month. I cannot believe that my baby is turning into a little boy. I may be a bit biased, but I do believe he is a genius! He is counting, yes, counting. If you say one, he says two, if you say three, he says four and so one. Most of the time he will go all the way to ten! He is also pretty hilarious, which I think he comes by that naturally! He knows a little sign language too. Joshua is quite the charmer, but still loves to run the house naked right before bath time and he is laughing until he is in the tub. He thinks Cinderella is pretty, Elmo is his best friend, he thinks Thomas the Train is cool and Jonah & the Whale!

He has had horrible allergies, but he is finally getting better, but I thank God everyday that allergies are our problem. He has been the best gift that God could have ever given me and I feel so honored that God chose me to raise this little boy.

My life has been a major rollercoaster lately, with some crazy loops and turns, but God is taking awesome care of Joshua and I. I feel at more at peace now than I have in two years, I don't know what that means yet, but I'm praying everyday and studying His word.

My family and friends are great gifts and I cherish them with all my heart. They love me and support me!